Benefits of the Blooms

Across the state at our different properties we have communities that have gardens right on property.  We even have some residents (at their choosing) that manage the porch plants at their properties.  As a person that lacks a green thumb, I’m so grateful!  Gardening is good for you, and research confirms that the health benefits are striking for those who have reached the age of AARP eligibility. Routine activity — such as a little bit of gardening every day —promotes a longer, healthier life.  So, what are the benefits?

Some benefits of GARDENING include:

  • Helps mobility and flexibility
  • Encourages use of all motor skills
  • Can improve endurance and strength
  • Helps prevent diseases such as osteoporosis
  • Reduces stress levels
  • While there are many wonderful benefits of gardening, you still must be SAFE and use precautions!

There are a few cautions for senior gardeners.  They should:

  • Wear a hat and protective clothing to protect from damage to the sun
  • Wear sunscreen on all exposed skin and reapply it every two hours
  • Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration
  • Be careful not to be out in the hottest part of the day
